Forwarding Numbers For Clients
After you set up your Twilio number for you client, you or your client may want the calls to be automatically forwarded to the business phone number or a personal device in order to answer questions or whatever reason they might have. Here are three call forwarding options that you may choose to fit your specific case:
- Company Phone - If there is no user assigned to the contact, the forwarding number will automatically go to the "Company Phone" listed in Settings → Business Info. There is no steps needing to be taken to activate this, but you can update this by going to Settings → Business Info → Company Phone, and click "Update Company".
- A Different Number - If you would like for the number to not be defaulted to the Company Number, but rather a different phone, follow these steps:
- Go to Settings → Phone Numbers, click the pencil icon next to the Twilio Number
- In the "Forward Calls To" field, enter the phone number
- click "Update"