White Label Your Software

To white label your GHL account, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to your domain DNS and set up a new record:
    1. Type: CNAME
    2. Name: learn, go, ai, (or whatever you want)
    3. Value/IPv4 address: app.msgsndr.com
    4. TTL: default
    5. Proxy status (if applicable): DNS only
  1. In Agency View go to “Settings” ⟶ “Company”, and input your desired domain name for your white level. 
    1. e.g. Name - app, domain - rickytheman.com = app.rickytheman.com
  2. To input your own logo, click “Change” at the top of the page 
  3. To link your privacy policy, input the url in the field titled, “Privacy Policy URL”.

Now you are all set with your new white labeled GHL account.