Adding Twilio to a Single Sub-Account

For Twilio integration, we highly recommend having the GHL Pro account in which you can transfer the cost of Twilio onto your existing customers all through your own Twilio account. HOWEVER, you do not have the pro account or your client already has an existing GHL, yet you would like a client of a specific to pay for their own costs, complete the following steps. This will first require that your client sets up their own Twilio account and inputs all of their appropriate billing information. Once that is complete, you will follow these steps on your end. 

  1. Obtain Account SID and Authorization Token from your client's Twilio account. 
  2. In Agency View, go to "Settings" → "Twilio".
  3. Locate the sub-account that needs independent Twilio information
  4. Select the three dots in the column of your desired sub-account
  5. Select "Update Credentials".
  6. In the pop-up window, input the "Account SID" and "Authorization Token" information (from Twilio).
  7. Click "Save."