Appointment Availability Incorrect/Not Showing
If the hours/days that should be available when booking a potential client are not appearing, go through the following trouble shooting steps to resolve them with just a couple clicks:
- Checking Calendar Hours/Days
- Go into your sub-account, click Settings → Calendars
- Locate your Sales Calendar, select the three dots, and click "edit"
- Go to tab "(2) Availability, and locate "Office Hours", and check the following potential errors
- Check that the days you want available are highlighted in blue
- Check that the hours are using correct meridian designation (AM/PM)
- Check that the hours are correct for the desired availability
- Click "Save"
- Checking Appointment Slot Settings
- Go into your sub-account, click Settings → Calendars
- Locate your Sales Calendar, select the three dots, and click "edit"
- Go to tab "(2) Availability, and locate "Appointment Slot Settings", and ensure your desired settings
- Slot Interval - What interval would you like appointments to be available (30 minutes - every half hours, 60 minutes - every hour)
- Buffer Duration Between Appointments - If an appointment is scheduled, how long after the appointment ends would the next appointment be available
- 30 minutes appointment with one buffer would equate to 10-10:30 appointment, then next available time would be 11AM
- Click "Save"
- Scheduling Notice
- Go into your sub-account, click Settings → Calendars
- Locate your Sales Calendar, select the three dots, and click "edit"
- Go to tab "(2) Availability, and locate "Scheduling Notice", and ensure your desired settings
- If the scheduling notice is set, you will not be able to schedule any appointments prior dfd to the set notice.
- For example, 1 day schedule notice means you cannot book an appointment any sooner than 24 hours from your current time.
- We recommend leaving this blank.
- If the scheduling notice is set, you will not be able to schedule any appointments prior dfd to the set notice.
- Click "Save"